- unisex
Deutsch Wörterbuch. 2015.
Deutsch Wörterbuch. 2015.
Unisex — refers to things that are suitable for both sexes, [ [http://www.askoxford.com/concise oed/unisex?view=uk AskOxford: unisex ] ] [ [http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/unisex unisex Definitions from Dictionary.com ] ] but can also be another… … Wikipedia
unisex — uniséx adj. invar. Trimis de gall, 02.08.2006. Sursa: DOOM 2 UNISÉX adj. inv. (Despre îmbrăcăminte, pieptănătură) Destinat deopotrivă femeii şi bărbatului. (cf. fr. unisexe) Trimis de tavi, 10.10.2006. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
unisex — /uni sɛks/ agg. [comp. di uni e dell ingl. sex sesso ]. [di indumento, profumo, ecc., adatto per uomo e per donna: camicetta u. ; profumo u. ] ◀▶ [per donne] da donna, [per uomini] da uomo, [per donne] femminile, [per uomini] maschile … Enciclopedia Italiana
unisex — (adj.) sexually indistinguishable or neutral, 1968, from UNI (Cf. uni ) + SEX (Cf. sex) (n.) … Etymology dictionary
unisex — adj. Que es adecuado o está destinado tanto para los hombres como para las mujeres … Diccionario de la lengua española
unisex — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ designed to be suitable for both sexes … English terms dictionary
unisex — ☆ unisex [yo͞o′nə seks΄ ] adj. designating, of, or involving a fashion, as in garments, hair styles, etc., that is undifferentiated for the sexes … English World dictionary
unisex — (Voz inglesa.) ► adjetivo Que es para ambos sexos: ■ es una tienda de moda unisex; suele arreglarse el pelo en una peluquería unisex. IRREG. plural unisex * * * unisex adj. Apropiado tanto para hombre como para mujer. Se aplica a la ropa usada… … Enciclopedia Universal
Unisex — Der Begriff Unisex wird auf Einrichtungen, Begriffe und Produkte angewendet, die für alle Geschlechter gleichermaßen konzipiert sind. So gibt es Unisex Toiletten, Unisex Tarife im Versicherungswesen oder geschlechtsneutrale Unisexnamen. Als… … Deutsch Wikipedia
unisex — /yooh neuh seks /, adj. 1. of, designed, or suitable for both sexes; not distinguishing between male and female; undifferentiated as to sex: unisex clothes. n. 2. the state or quality of being unisex. 3. unisex styles or fashions: a store… … Universalium