- Server
Deutsch Wörterbuch. 2015.
Deutsch Wörterbuch. 2015.
Server — may refer to:In computing: *Server (computing), a server application, operating system, computer, or appliance **Application server, a server dedicated to running certain software applications **Communications server, carrier grade computing… … Wikipedia
server — serv‧er [ˈsɜːvə ǁ ˈsɜːrvər] also ˈfile ˌserver noun [countable] COMPUTING a powerful computer used to store large amounts of information and to connect other smaller computers in a network. The smaller computers are sometimes called client S … Financial and business terms
server — A computer that stores programs and data on a network. The server is accessed over the network by client computers, hence the term client/server computing . Servers are often dedicated to specific tasks; for example, a mail server will handle the … Law dictionary
server — SÉRVER, servere, s.n. Computer performant dedicat oferirii unor servicii în reţea (aplicaţii centralizate, intranet, baze de date etc.). – Din engl. server. Trimis de ivascu, 19.09.2005. Sursa: Neoficial … Dicționar Român
server — /ˈserver, ingl. ˈsYːvə(r)/ [vc. ingl., propr. «servitore»] s. m. inv. (elab.) CFR. client (ingl.) … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
server — sȅrver m DEFINICIJA 1. sport igrač koji izvodi početni udarac (u tenisu, ping pongu, odbojci, badmintonu) 2. inform. a. računalo koje opslužuje korisnike na lokalnoj mreži i kontrolira pristup mreži i njenim resursima b. računalo ili program koje … Hrvatski jezični portal
server — [sʉr′vər] n. 1. a person who serves, as an assistant to the celebrant at Mass, a waiter, a player who serves the ball, etc. 2. a thing used in serving, as a tray, cart, etc. 3. Comput. the central computer in a NETWORK (sense 3a) to which other… … English World dictionary
Server — Serv er, n. 1. One who serves. [1913 Webster] 2. A tray for dishes; a salver. Randolph. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
server — / sə:və:/, it. / sɛrver/ s. ingl. [propr. chi serve , der. di (to ) serve servire ], usato in ital. al masch. (inform.) [calcolatore che svolge funzioni di servizio per i calcolatori collegati in rete] ◀▶ client … Enciclopedia Italiana
server — late 14c., agent noun from SERVE (Cf. serve) (v.). Computer sense by 1992 … Etymology dictionary