- Host
Deutsch Wörterbuch. 2015.
Deutsch Wörterbuch. 2015.
Host — • Archaeological and historical aspects Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Host Host † … Catholic encyclopedia
Host — Host(s) may refer to:In Christianity: * Heavenly host, an army of good angels in Heaven * Host (Holy Communion), bread in the EucharistIn culture: * Host (event), a television or radio show presenter * Host (album), a 1999 album by the band… … Wikipedia
host — host·al; host·ess ship; host·ing; host·less; host·ly; kink·host; host; non·host; host·ess; … English syllables
Host — (h[=o]st), n. [OE. host, ost, OF. host, ost, fr. L. hostis enemy, LL., army. See {Guest}, and cf. {Host} a landlord.] 1. An army; a number of men gathered for war. [1913 Webster] A host so great as covered all the field. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Host — [hoʊst] (englisch „Wirt“, „Gastgeber“) steht für: Host (Datenbankanbieter), Computer, der im Internet Datenbanken zur Verfügung stellt Host (Informationstechnik), Computer, der Dienste in einem Rechnernetz zur Verfügung stellt ein Gerät mit IP… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Host — 〈[ hoʊst] m. 6〉 1. 〈kurz für〉 Hostcomputer 2. Adresse im Internet [engl., eigtl. „Gastgeber“] * * * Host [hoʊst ], der; [s], s [engl. host ↑ (Hostess)] (EDV): (in einem System von Computern od. Terminals) Zentralrechner mit permanenter… … Universal-Lexikon
host — Ⅰ. host [1] ► NOUN 1) a person who receives or entertains guests. 2) the presenter of a television or radio programme. 3) a person, place, or organization that holds and organizes an event to which others are invited. 4) often humorous the… … English terms dictionary
host — host1 [hōst] n. [ME hoste < OFr hoiste < ML(Ec) hostia, consecrated host < L, animal sacrificed, prob. < hostire, to recompense, requite] 1. a wafer of the bread used in a Eucharistic service 2. [H ] a consecrated Eucharistic wafer… … English World dictionary
Host — (h[=o]st), n. [OE. host, ost, OF. hoste, oste, F. h[^o]te, from L. hospes a stranger who is treated as a guest, he who treats another as his guest, a hostl prob. fr. hostis stranger, enemy (akin to E. guest a visitor) + potis able; akin to Skr.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Höst — Høst ist der Name von Gerd Høst Heyerdahl (1915−2007), norwegische Schauspielerin, Schriftstellerin und Professorin für Germanistik Jens Kragh Høst (1772−1844), dänischer Jurist, Historiker und Übersetzer … Deutsch Wikipedia