- Eurozone
Deutsch Wörterbuch. 2015.
Deutsch Wörterbuch. 2015.
Eurozone — (euro area) Eurozone as of 2011 … Wikipedia
eurozone — UK [ˈjʊərəʊˌzəʊn] / US [ˈjʊroʊˌzoʊn] or the Eurozone UK / US or the eurozone UK [ˈjʊərəʊˌzəʊn] / US [ˈjʊroʊˌzoʊn] noun the area of Europe that consists of countries that are members of the European Union and use the euro as a unit of money … English dictionary
Eurozone — noun see ↑euro area under ↑euro1 • • • Main Entry: ↑Euro … Useful english dictionary
Eurozone — Die Eurozone (Stand 1. Januar 2011) EU Staaten mit Euro A … Deutsch Wikipedia
eurozone — [[t]jʊ͟əroʊzoʊn[/t]] also Eurozone N SING: the N The eurozone is all those countries that have joined the European single currency, considered as a group. Homeowners in the eurozone enjoy cheaper mortgages than we do here in Britain … English dictionary
Eurozone — / jυərəυzəυn/ noun the European countries which use the euro as a common currency, seen as a group ▪▪▪ ‘…the European Central Bank left the door open yesterday for a cut in Eurozone interest rates’ [Financial Times] ▪▪▪ ‘…a sustained recovery in… … Dictionary of banking and finance
Eurozone — A geographic and economic region that consists of all the European Union countries that have fully incorporated the euro as their national currency. Also referred to as euroland . The eurozone is one of the largest economic regions in the world… … Investment dictionary
Eurozone — Euroraum; Euroland (umgangssprachlich) * * * Eu|ro|zo|ne 〈f. 19; Wirtsch.〉 Gebiet des Geltungsbereiches der europäischen Währungsunion ● Wirtschaftspolitik in der Eurozone * * * Eu|ro|zo|ne, die; : Staatengruppe, die an der Europäischen… … Universal-Lexikon
Eurozone — (Euro Zone) A term used to describe the 11 EU countries that joined the third stage of EMU and adopted the euro. The Eurozone, or Euroland, countries are Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands,… … Financial and business terms
Eurozone — see eurozone … English dictionary