- Basketball
Deutsch Wörterbuch. 2015.
Deutsch Wörterbuch. 2015.
Basketball — Bas ket*ball , n. 1. A ball game, usually played indoors in an area called the basketball court, in which two opposing teams of five players each contest with each other to toss a large inflated ball (the basketball) into opposite goals (baskets) … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Basketball — blev opfundet af James Nairsmith i Canada i 1891. I 1936 blev basketball olympisk disciplin. I 1947 blev Dansk Basketball Forbund (DBBF) dannet … Danske encyklopædi
Basketball — Basketball: Der Name des Mannschaftsspiels, das um 1920 von Amerika nach Europa gelangte und nach der Olympiade von 1936 in Deutschland an Bedeutung gewann, ist aus engl. basketball entlehnt, einer Zusammensetzung aus engl. basket »Korb« und ball … Das Herkunftswörterbuch
basketball — (n.) 1892, American English, from BASKET (Cf. basket) + BALL (Cf. ball) (n.1). The game was invented 1891 by James A. Naismith (1861 1939), physical education instructor in Springfield, Massachusetts, U.S … Etymology dictionary
basketball — [n] team sport ball, B ball*, brownball*, hoops*; concept 363 … New thesaurus
basketball — ► NOUN ▪ a team game in which goals are scored by throwing a ball through a netted hoop fixed at each end of the court … English terms dictionary
basketball — ☆ basketball [bas′kitbôl΄, bäs′kitbôl΄ ] n. [invented & named (1891) by James A. Naismith (1861 1939) at Y.M.C.A. College, Springfield, Mass.] 1. a game played by two opposing teams of usually five players on a rectangular, often wooden, court… … English World dictionary
Basketball — This article is about the sport. For the ball used in the sport, see Basketball (ball). For other uses, see Basketball (disambiguation). Basketball … Wikipedia
basketball — /bas kit bawl , bah skit /, n. 1. a game played by two teams of usually five players each on a rectangular court having a raised basket or goal at each end, points being scored by tossing the ball through the opponent s basket. 2. the round,… … Universalium
Basketball — Die italienische Basketballspielerin Sara Giauro beim Drei Punkte Wurf im „Europe Cup“ Finale der Frauen … Deutsch Wikipedia