- Attachment
Deutsch Wörterbuch. 2015.
Deutsch Wörterbuch. 2015.
attachment — I (act of affixing) noun adjunction, affixation, annexation, annexion, attaching, binding, bond, cohesion, confixation, conjunction, connection, fastening, fixing, insertion, joinder, joining, junction, ligation, nexus, subjunction, that which… … Law dictionary
Attachment — At*tach ment, n. [F. attachment.] 1. The act attaching, or state of being attached; close adherence or affection; fidelity; regard; an? passion of affection that binds a person; as, an attachment to a friend, or to a party. [1913 Webster] 2. That … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
attachment — 1 arrest, apprehension, detention (see under ARREST vb) 2 Attachment, affection, love denote the feeling which animates a person who is genuinely fond of someone or something. Attachment and affection differ in that affection usually has for its… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
attachment — [n1] fastening adapter, bond, clamp, connection, connector, coupling, fastener, joint, junction, link, tie; concept 471 attachment [n2] something joined, fastened to another accessory, accoutrement, adapter, addition, adjunct, annex, appendage,… … New thesaurus
attachment — A post judgment execution proceeding that enables a creditor to seize property of the debtor, whether it is real estate, bank accounts, or personal property. (Bernstein s Dictionary of Bankruptcy Terminology) United Glossary of Bankruptcy Terms… … Glossary of Bankruptcy
attachment to — index adoption (acceptance) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
attachment — → adjunto, 3 … Diccionario panhispánico de dudas
attachment — c.1400, arrest of a person on judicial warrant (mid 13c. in Anglo Latin), from Fr. attachement, from attacher (see ATTACH (Cf. attach)). Application to property (including, later, wages) dates from 1590s; meaning sympathy, devotion is recorded… … Etymology dictionary
attachment — /atˈtatʃmənt, ingl. əˈtætʃmənt/ [lett. «oggetto attaccato, aggiunto», dal fr. attachement] s. m. inv. (elab.) allegato … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
attachment — (izg. etȅčment) m DEFINICIJA int. datoteka kao dodatak e mail poruci (slika, tablica, zvučni zapis ili sl.); privitak ETIMOLOGIJA engl … Hrvatski jezični portal