- Amex
Deutsch Wörterbuch. 2015.
Deutsch Wörterbuch. 2015.
Amex — Amex сокращение, может обозначать: Американская фондовая биржа (англ. American Stock Exchange, AMEX). American Express Company компания в США, которая занимается производством, выдачей и обслуживанием кредитных карт. Amex Gold… … Википедия
Amex — American Stock Exchange (Amex) USA NYSE Amex … Law dictionary
AMEX — AMEX, AmEx or Amex has multiple meanings, including*American Stock Exchange *American Express, a global financial firm. *A term used in parts of England when talking about the USA * American Experience , a television program … Wikipedia
Amex — blend of American Express, trademark registered in U.S. 1950 by American Express Co., originally an express mail service. Its credit card dates from 1958 … Etymology dictionary
AMEX — (American Stock Exchange) stock exchange that lists over 3000 publicly traded companies, largest stock exchange in the United States (located on Wall Street in New York City) … English contemporary dictionary
Amex — ☆ Amex [am′eks΄ ] n. informal name for the American Stock Exchange … English World dictionary
AMEX — American Stock Exchange Façade de l American Stock Exchange L American Stock Exchange, souvent abrégé en AMEX, est une bourse ayant son siège à New York. L AMEX constitue l un des trois plus importants marchés boursiers américains, avec le New… … Wikipédia en Français
AMEX — See: American Stock Exchange * * * American Stock Exchange. ■ www.amex.com ■ * * * AMEX UK US (also Amex) /ˈæmeks/ noun [S] FINANCE, STOCK MARKET ► AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE(Cf. ↑ … Financial and business terms
AMEX — Der Ausdruck AMEX bezeichnet: American Stock Exchange, ehemaliger Name der Wertpapierbörse NYSE Amex in New York American Express Company, einen Finanz und Reisedienstleister Arzneimittelexanthem, einen von einem Medikament ausgelösten Ausschlag … Deutsch Wikipedia
AmEx — American Express Logo de The American Express Company Création 1850 Personnages clés Henry Wells Kenneth I. Chenault … Wikipédia en Français