- Single Malt
Single Malt [Wichtig (Rating 3200 - 5600)]
Bsp.:•Oh, sieh: Single-Malt-Whisky.
Deutsch Wörterbuch. 2015.
Oh, sieh: Single-Malt-Whisky.
Deutsch Wörterbuch. 2015.
Single Malt — Whisky ist ein spezieller Whisky; er stammt aus einer einzigen Brennerei und ist kein Verschnitt mehrerer Whiskysorten (= Single, deutsch: einzeln). Als Getreidebasis wird ausschließlich gemälzte Gerste verwendet (= Malt, deutsch: Malz). Auch das … Deutsch Wikipedia
Single malt — whisky Le single malt whisky ou single malt whiskey (on trouve les deux orthographes selon le pays de production) est un alcool de grain produit dans une seule (single) distillerie. Il est distillé exclusivement à partir de la fermentation d une… … Wikipédia en Français
single malt — A whisky that is the product of one distillate of malted barley, etc, not a blend of several • • • Main Entry: ↑malt * * * noun, pl ⋯ malts [count, noncount] : a kind of whiskey that comes from one place and that is not blended with other kinds… … Useful english dictionary
single malt — adj. designating Scotch whisky that is produced by a single distiller in a single batch and not blended * * * … Universalium
single malt — adj. designating Scotch whisky that is produced by a single distiller in a single batch and not blended … English World dictionary
single-malt — vin sin′gle malt adj. 1) (of whiskey, esp. Scotch) made from unblended malt whiskey distilled at one distillery 2) single malt whiskey, esp. Scotch • Etymology: 1965–70 … From formal English to slang
single-malt — /sing geuhl mawlt /, adj. 1. (of whiskey, esp. Scotch) made from unblended malt whiskey distilled at one distillery. n. 2. single malt whiskey, esp. Scotch. [1985 90] * * * … Universalium
single-malt — /sing geuhl mawlt /, adj. 1. (of whiskey, esp. Scotch) made from unblended malt whiskey distilled at one distillery. n. 2. single malt whiskey, esp. Scotch. [1985 90] … Useful english dictionary
single malt — noun Single malt whisky … Wiktionary
single malt — noun Single malt is used before these nouns: ↑whisky … Collocations dictionary