- plus/minus
plus/minus [Redensart]
Bsp.:•Es wird dich dreihundert Pfund kosten - plus/minus fünfzig Pfund.
Deutsch Wörterbuch. 2015.
Es wird dich dreihundert Pfund kosten - plus/minus fünfzig Pfund.
Deutsch Wörterbuch. 2015.
Plus/minus — is an ice hockey statistic that measures the team goal differential when a specific player is on the ice. Players plus/minus stats get increased by one every time their team scores an even strength or shorthanded goal while they are on the ice.… … Wikipedia
Plus/Minus — ist eine Statistik beim Eishockey, die für einen Feldspieler die Differenz von Toren und Gegentoren angibt, die gefallen sind, während er auf dem Eis war. Der Plus/Minus Wert eines Feldspielers erhöht sich jedes Mal um eins, wenn ein Tor für… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Plus-minus — or plus/minus (+/ ) may refer to:*Plus minus sign, a mathematical symbol (±) *Plus/minus, an ice hockey statistic *+/ , an American rock band … Wikipedia
plus minus — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}przysł. {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} mniej więcej, w przybliżeniu : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Było tam plus minus dwadzieścia osób. {{/stl 10}} … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień
Plus minus — (lat.), mehr od. weniger, d.h. ungefähr so viel … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Plus-minus sign — For other uses, see plus minus (disambiguation). ± The plus minus sign (±) is a mathematical symbol commonly used either to indicate the precision of an approximation, or to indicate a value that can be of either sign. The sign is normally… … Wikipedia
Plus minus method — The plus minus methos is a geophysical principle attributed to Hagedoorn for statics solution derivation in which two emergence points on a refractor and a common midpoint (cmp) on the surface are considered.Eqs:t+ = tABCD + tDEFG tABFGt = tABCD… … Wikipedia
plus/minus sign — noun Date: 1971 the sign ± used to indicate a quantity (as 2 in “the square root of 4 is ±2”) taking on both an algebraically positive value and its negative and to indicate a plus or minus quantity (as 4 in “the population age was 30 ± 4 years”) … New Collegiate Dictionary
plus minus sign — plius minus ženklas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Ženklas ±. Kodai: 177 (ISO/IEC 8859 13, dešimtainis), U+00B1. Vartojamas skaičių intervalui nuo –n iki +n žymėti, pvz., ±0,1. atitikmenys: angl. plus minus sign … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
plus/minus symbol — noun see plus/minus sign … New Collegiate Dictionary